2012 Delegates and President Lesley's Day


2012 Delegates and President Lesley's Day

Patron Beryl, Pres.Lesley cutting cake
Official table
Pres.Lesley with sister Jan and friend Pat
delegates and district personnel

On Monday 2nd July delegates descended on Umina Beach club for District President Lesley’s Special Day and Delegates Day. It was a lovely winters morning with a slight breeze and after a guard of honor and morning tea Chairman of Selection Beryl invited all to take to the greens for a morning of bowls. Much laughter could be heard from the greens as the delegates enjoyed a friendly game with many playing in positions that they wouldn’t normally.

The auditorium was decorated in a lovely mauve theme with a gorgeous mauve cake which had been made by District Vice President Winsome Wallace and decorated by Wamberal President Margaret McCreadie.

President Lesley, Executive Committee and Invited Guests were then welcomed for lunch by all the delegates. President Lesley’s special guests were her sister Jan who came up from Sydney representing the family and longtime friend from Umina Beach club Pat Frost. They started bowls together some 25 years ago. A lovely 2 course lunch was served and it was on to the formalities of the day.

President Lesley was given 2 gifts from the District, firstly a fun one, and then a lovely leather bag which could be worn as a backpack. Umina Beach President Gwen also presented Lesley with a gift from their club.

President Lesley thanked everyone for attending especially her sister Jan and friend Pat. She also thanked all for their lovely gifts and cards and hoped they had a lovely day.

The winners and losers of the day were drawn at random and given a gift each.

Toastmistress Dianne thanked all who helped on the day. The Umina ladies were presented with either a Friendship pin or gift for their assistance.

The day concluded with 2 skits performed by delegates from Halekulani and Munmorah United.

All were wished a safe trip home.

We do hope that President Lesley enjoyed her special day.

photos top to bottom: more photos can be found in photo gallery under 2012 Delegates and President Lesley's Day


l>r: Patron Beryl and Pres.Lesley cutting cake.


Official table

l>r: Jan [Lesley's sister], Pres.Lesley, Pat

cake made by V.P. Winsome and decorated by Wamberal Pres.Margaret

some of delegates

some of delegates


article and photos: Robyn Davis, CCDWBA Publicity Officer