2011 Nepean Trophy


2011 Nepean Trophy

Nepean Trophy presentation
Pres.Lesley with Central Coast Players
Nepean District and players

The Nepean Trophy, an annual event between Central Coast District and Nepean District, which has been going since 1983, was finally contested for this year. Originally to be played in June the match had to be postponed because of severe storms and torrential rain for days prior to the scheduled date. We were a bit concerned earlier this week because of the weather but luckily the rain vanished and the event went ahead at Everglades Bowling Club. The players did have to battle strong gusty winds which made for some interesting bowling. The Nepean ladies arrived early and sent the Central Coast into a panic as most of our personnel and players had not arrived. However we finally sat down to a lovely morning tea which was greatly appreciated by all. After welcoming our visitors, conditions of play were read out and cards called. Central Coast gave, for the first time, all players chosen to represent the District, Representative Badges and the players were thrilled to receive these. The 40 players from each District then proceeded 'to do battle' on the greens. On completion of the games luncheon was served. Both President Lesley from Central Coast and President Nancy from Nepean congratulated all players and thanked all who helped out on the day. A special thanks to President Pat from Everglades and her ladies for their help.

The result of the match was: Central Coast winners with 213 shots, to Nepean's 169 shots.

The trophy was presented to President Lesley by President Nancy and we look forward to again meeting up with our Nepean friends next year, when Central Coast will travel to the Nepean District.

Photos top to bottom:

l>r Central Coast President Lesley receiving trophy from Nepean President Nancy

Central Coast players with President Lesley

Nepean players with President Nancy and other District personnel

Photos can be seen in Photo Gallery

article and photos: Lesley Swales