2013 Past Presidents' Charity Day at Terrigal


A very successful fundraising day was held at Terrigal Bowling Club by the Past Presidents' Association on 15 July.  A full complement of teams and a full clubhouse made for a fun and profitable fundraiser for Wyong Hospital.  After morning tea Terrigal President Dianne Fernance handed the club to PPA President Narelle Richardson who welcomed everyone and Vera Birtwhistle read the cards.  Teams played 18 ends of competitive enjoyable bowls then lunched together prior to the drawing of the raffle prizes.  The winner of the day was the Wamberal team of Robyn Raymond, Fay Sims, Judy Cameron and Sally Murphy. Wamberal also took out the runners up place with the team of Lesley Mason, Pat Treweek, Barbara Hilliard and Denise Gosling. Lots of happy smiling faces as tombola and lucky dip prizes were awarded to participants.  Don't miss the next PPA Day!