2014 AGM


The AGM of Central Coast District Women's Bowling Association was held on Friday  1st August at Gosford City Bowling Club.

The same personnel have been returned to office.  

Beryl Brown has agreed to continue as Patron.

President: Pat Frewin.  

Vice Presidents:  Sue O'Connor, Beryl Gibbons

Secretary:  Dianne Elsom

Treasurer:  Narelle Richardson

Match Committee: Pattie Payne [Chair]; Leanne Perigo; Carol Steinbeck; Lee Thornhill

Selection Committee: Beryl Brown [Chair]; Betty Dodd; Joan Homan; Jill King; Lesley Swales

Social Committee: Judith Chatwin [Chair]; Norma Barry

Website Editor:  Lesley Swales

Publicity Officer:   vacant

Lesley Swales: website editor