2015 Past Presidents Christmas



On Monday 23rd November the Central Coast Branch of the Past Presidents Association held their Christmas get together at Ettalong Bowling Club.  PP Pres. Floss welcomed all and wished everyone a happy day.  She also thanked Ettalong for hosting the event.

There were 2 full greens of Past Presidents and their guests plus non-players who caught up with a lot of chatter inside.     Players were encouraged to wear Christmas attire and this added to the spirit of the day.     After 18 ends of bowls it was time for a lovely luncheon and then the drawing of lucky prize winners for the tombola, raffles and winners and runners up.  

Then it was time for the serious part of the day.    During the year at our 3 events, money is raised for the local hospital auxiliaries.    This year it was the turn of Gosford Hospital.   Pres. Floss was delighted to present Linda Hall, Treasurer of the Gosford Hospital auxiliary with a cheque for $3000.00.   Linda thanked all and said the money would be put to good use.   Pres. Floss thanked all present for their support over the year as it would be not possible without this to be able to present such a large amount.     

All were wished a Very Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing everyone at our next function on 22nd February 2016 at Gosford B.C.   This special day is the Ruth Shoebridge Shield and Hostess Day.

Lesley Swales   Publicity Officer CC Past Presidents.