2016 70th Birthday Celebrations





On Friday 1st July Central Coast District celebrated it's 70th year with a luncheon held at Gosford RSL Club.  District President Dianne Elsom welcomed 67 members representing the 22 clubs, to this special day.  

Past Presidents attending were Beryl Brown [who is also District Patron], Winsome Wallace, Patricia Reynolds, Lesley Swales and Patricia Frewin.  It was also a pleasure to have Ida Campbell who was District Secretary from 1986 to 2002.    Our Districts sponsor, Creightons was represented by Lyn Park.  

All enjoyed the luncheon.    The birthday cake was cut by President Dianne and Patron Beryl while Happy Birthday was being sung.     With all the chatter everyone seemed to be having a lovely time.

President Dianne thanked all for coming.     

article and photos:  Lesley Swales